

8 Channel encoder 1 channel Serial RS-422/RS-485 interface

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The 7I89 is a eight channel encoder plus single channel RS-422/RS-485 interface for Mesa’s 25 pin Anything I/O series of FPGA interface cards.  The 7I89 is designed for motion control applications.  Encoder inputs can be TTL or differential on a per input basis.  The 7I89 can also supply 5V power to encoders. Encoder power can be switched on a per connector basis.   The controller connection is a DB25 connector that matches the pinout of Mesa’s 25 pin Anything I/O cards.  All buffered I/O is terminated with 3.5 mm pluggable screw terminals (supplied).

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 1 in


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